Never See the Emp Machines Again Nier

Part 96: Episode XCIII: Missile Control

Episode XCIII: Missile Command

Music: Dark Colossus KAIJU (Instrumental)

Well that's new.
It's actually breaking with the sphere head blueprint aesthetic the machines had going.
Perhaps it's got a big sphere caput underneath all of... that.
I'm good not finding out where...

Command has decided to stage a directly satellite light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation strike on the hostile. We need y'all to destroy the enemy EMP generator so we tin can lock on to the target.
EMP generator?
Sending the coordinates to your map now.

We still need to practise this commencement phase of the fight, in which we fight our style to the rear of Grün to take out the EMP generator. Pod 142 lists off some factoids about the last time this machine showed up information technology EMP blasted the entire coast and information technology was a real bad scene for everyone involved and it is best not to let that happen over again. No shit, Pod 042.

The generator mini-dominate is the same as ever. 9S CANNOT hack this enemy. I estimate EMP waves extend to blocking hacking signals. I'one thousand certain the science behind that is audio. Information technology doesn't actually thing though because they forgot to buff Grün'south EMP generator in Route B and it's even so rocking only Level 20. Given the harm scaling, all pieces of information technology absolutely melt within sixty seconds. Shameful design oversight on this otherwise impressive slice of goofy ass looking technical engineering.

Stand past for incoming satellite laser strike.

...Well that blows.
Heh. Having trouble over there?
Are you lot with YoRHa?
I... aye, of course! Y'all should literally have IFF sensors installed in your eyeballs identifying us as such.
Sorry, there's KINDA a lot going on right now!

Don't worry, the Region E District Shrike Heavy Infiltration Recon Team is here to dorsum you lot upwards. We'll handle this!

2B! Let'south exit this area to the reinforcements. I have an idea.
The last time you had an "idea" in a flight unit, we both died...
Yeah... well... Look, you and I should run into up at the spot I just marked.
If y'all say so.

All the EMP shielding in the world won't help against close-range mortar fire.
What if information technology's got energy shields too?
That is... unlikely. Look, merely human being the cannon!
Got it.
I'll aid aim!
I've got it.
I tin use my hacking to correct your aim.
That's OK...

Time for an bodily gameplay difference, however minuscule... 2B gets to sew and aim the mortar cannon. Simply there'south but room for one on that affair. And so 9S...?

He just hacks 2B to aid her aim improve... somehow? It's existent lame. And he doesn't even exercise information technology right since she goofs it the first shot. Fitting for 9S, actually.

2B! Let's attempt for a more "direct" arroyo!
I don't recollect we can lift this matter.
No... a Straight shot...
Only I did hit it directly.
Maybe aim for a glowing weak betoken...?
Like what...? Its eyes? If you say and then.
2B, let'due south bomb some Dodongos.
<rubs eyes> Shoot it in the mouth, 2B. The behemothic glowing rima oris when it opens.
Oh. Right. Of course. Why didn't you only say that? You're a poor support unit of measurement.

Music: ENDS

Welp. That's round one downwards.

Fourth dimension for the follow-up match and the signal where things diverge for 2B and 9S. But get-go we demand to get through the motions of setting up the next phase.

I cannot believe I'm going to get a flying unit blown up and drown twice this month...

2B, that thing got Style bigger and also teleported several miles closer. We need to go... Like now.
Y'all don't say?!


Hey, 2B and 9S... You all look you're having a fleck of a time. Merely idea we'd popular in and help. If yous desire, I mean. We can go...
No! It's cool!
Oh, splendid. I didn't want to overstep my boundaries. That would be rude.

Music: Nighttime Colossus KAIJU

Information technology was designed to help demolish the androids in a year when at that place was a particularly high budget surplus and they went a little chip overboard. Information technology went berserk as shortly equally nosotros activated it and it reached land. I was part of the machine network when information technology happened. It was, as they say, a bad scene... All of the scientist machines were destroyed in its rampage, so the best the balance could come up upwardly with was dropping it into the ocean and hoping it stayed downward there.
<motions towards Grün> And well... I approximate that programme wasn't then hot...
Y'all don't say...
Hey, 2B? I think I take some other thought! You keep that matter right where information technology is, okay?
Please, 2B! This is gonna work! Probably... No, DEFINITELY... almost certainly... very probable to piece of work! I think...

And with that, 9S zooms off. So what was 9S contending with while 2B was busy destroying what felt like a dozen EMP generator mini-bosses? Well...

I'm going to see if we can use those missiles back on the shore. Only I need you to destroy the EMP unit on that matter'due south back. Otherwise they're but going to go off course.
On information technology.

Yeah... 9S but has a really uneventful generic shmup segment for a few minutes. His terminal fight for this section is a medium flyer which I err... guess doesn't otherwise announced in this event. Aye, it'south pretty lame. Only frankly, I'd rather have a mediocre but quick shooter section than 2B and having to fight three of the aforementioned exact EMP generator boss with slightly unlike camera perspectives.

Activate missile controls. Set up to launch!

Missile controls engaged.

So as it turns out, 9S wasn't a huge wiggle that performed a danger close missile strike with just giving his allies a five 2nd heads up before striking the target...

He was really a huge idiot physically riding the missile to its target and forgot to inform anyone the missile was almost to hitting because he was hanging on for dear life to the side of the thing trying to steer.

This went much better in 9S's mind. The execution was much different.

Alert: Obstacle alee. A collision at this speed is non recommended.
Well aware, thank you lot!

We can kinda command where the missile is moving. Just I don't call back information technology's possible to go off course or miss Grün. Nor are any of the energy orbs existence fired toward the missile capable of doing annihilation. Presumably, 9S lets go and goes "oh shit RIGHT, 2B!" hitting that 5 second countdown only before impact.

Music: ENDS

Oh shiiiii—

Dammit! Can you get it back online?
I'm... not fifty-fifty certain how we had that footage or where it was being broadcast from in the first place so... no?

Organize a search-and-rescue party for the missing 9S and 2B at one time!
Ma'am, does that include a retrieval of the dorsum-upward squadron from Due north 12C?
Ehh... yeah, if we have the time and someone comes across one of them, I suppose that's fine.

And that concludes Chapter 7B of NieR: Automata. Tune in next time for something completely different, every bit nosotros get 9S'southward perspective in the chapter when he was... boxed upward in a wall in Adam'south weird cube city. Simply before we depart from this session, there's one final additional scene...

The child held sway over enormous forcefulness. But sadly, he was besides a picayune bit broken... He spent his long days hurting those around him. He tried his best to be good and kind. Simply despite his efforts, things never seemed to plow out.

They told him he was unwanted. They abandoned him in the deep, night bounding main.

And from the common cold at the bottom of the sea, he cried out... Mother...

Female parent... Mother... Mother... But his voice never reached his mother.

Video: Episode 93 Highlight Reel (Y'all should probably watch this.)

Submerged Grün Concept Art – Poor form. You're going to throw out your dorsum similar that.

Grün Concept Fine art – Nobody likes getting assigned to the Grün factory.

Early Grün Concept Art – We called it... Sin.


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